Love Note: Self-Value

Editor — Usually ‘Love Note’ is a short tip about love, but I think the longer post is needed to convey Ewa’s message.

One of the biggest questions that I regularly come across is how does a person develop self-value? People are looking for the “how to” of confidence. So many people are left with scars from their childhood from how little value they have. More scars develop as people get older and experience more pain. 1440684618Some people end up with the beliefs that they only have value if they are a good parent, provider, employee, etc. The common thread is that a person’s value either doesn’t exist or exists outside of them.

When your value is external, what happens when your children grow up or if you lose a child, if you don’t need to provide for somebody anymore, you change or lose your job, get fired, or retire, etc. What happens when life changes and you are not prepared for it because you have always determined your value based on some external source?

Others determine their self value based on how they think other people perceive them. Then the external value is not only at the mercy of changes in life, but also at the mercy of what you think other people think of you as well. Given that you feel little value to begin with, it is inevitable that you will misinterpret what you think others think of you, contributing to the low value.

Then there are those who cannot find any sense of value at all, or it may come in bits and pieces, but the overall experience can lead to one of emptiness, unbearable sadness, depression, and hopelessness that come with feeling that you have little or no value.

… So what happens next? Read More on Ewa’s website

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